Nettó 10kg feletti filament vásárlásnál ingyenes kiszállítást vállalunk Magyarország területére!
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Fiberlogy CPE ANTIBAC is an innovative antibacterial filament with high mechanical and temperature resistance combined with antimicrobial properties. Considering the resistance to high temperatures, it surpasses e.g. PET-G or PCTG filament that belong to the same polymer family. It is resistant to temperatures up to 110°C and the effects of UV radiation, chemicals, and lipids.CPE ANTIBAC is odorless, as well as BPA, BPS and styrene-free. This antibacterial filament ownes its properties to silver nanoparticles that guarantee effective protection against microbes. The microbiological tests performed show biocidal properties both of the filaments and 3D prints. Research results confirm the effectiveness in reducing the number of bacteria, among others Escherichia coli (by 100%) and Staphylococcus aureus (by 92.4%). In the repeated testing, a result of 100% and 97%, respectively, was obtained.CPE ANTIBAC is intended for use on both desktop and industrial FFF/FDM 3D printers. A closed printing chamber is not required, but it can help achieve prints with better durability parameters. Due to its unique properties, Fiberlogy CPE ANTIBAC shall be applied in prints exposed to microbial growth, such as plastic elements found in public spaces, laboratory equipment, as well as clinical accessories.
The following parameters are only suggested print settings for this material. To ensure the best print quality, it is necessary to choose the appropriate settings for a specific printer and printing conditions.