Nettó 10kg feletti filament vásárlásnál ingyenes kiszállítást vállalunk Magyarország területére!
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TECAFIL PEEK VX blue is a high temperature PEEK filament based on Victrex® PEEK. It is a blue colored version of an unfilled PEEK (polyetheretherketone) filament.The base polymer of this filament meets the requirements for food contact according to (EC) No 1935/2004, (EU) No 10/2011, (EC) No 2023/2006 and FDA. Migration tests according to EU 10/2011 were successfully performed on similar extruded specimens. Legally binding documents must be requested separately.The blue colour of this PEEK filament makes it applicable for optical detection in the food industry, as it enables the identification of unwanted particles in the product.The combination of food conformity and PEEK typical mechanical, thermal and chemical properties make this filament a perfect choice for demanding food processing applications.VICTREX® PEEK is a registered trademark of Victrex plc.