Nettó 10kg feletti filament vásárlásnál ingyenes kiszállítást vállalunk Magyarország területére!
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TECAFIL PEEK VX MT CF30 black is a medical grade filament that combines special carbon fibres with Victrex® PEEK. Based on PEEK, the filament is characterised by very high thermal stability and good chemical resistance. Moreover, the material has very good resistance to repeated sterilisation.
This filament has been tested resp. evaluated for biocompatibility according to standard ISO 10993-1, -4, -5, -18 and meets the specified requirements for contact of up to 24 hours with skin and tissue and, if applicable, indirect contact with blood.For the biocompatible plastic materials within the Ensinger MED- / MT-standard-portfolio, a biocompatibility declaration is supplied on an order-related basis. The order-related declaration also serves to provide consistent and for our customers comprehensible traceability of the customer order with regard to the products and the raw materials used.
VICTREX® PEEK is a registered trademark of Victrex plc.