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PPJet (polypropylene)- technical plastic of common use- high chemical resistance to acids, alkalis, oils, salts, water, etc.- one of the most used plastics in various industries, suitable for prototyping and property testing- low density - so light it can float on the water- highly tough and flexible material, has high layer adhesion, therefore is extremely impact resistant- heat resistance (up to 100 °C)- health harmlessness- check out our video on the durability of our PPJetPRINTING SETUPMaterial template for Prusa slicer MK3 download hereNozzle: 210 - 230 °CHeatbed: 80 - 100 °C▪ draft-free environment, closed chamber recommended▪ fan speed: 100%▪ for a better adhesion using the MAGIGOO PP glue or printing on an office PP tape is recommended